How The Bump Started

Hi There! My name is Suzanne, founder of Bump Bag. When I was pregnant with my first little girl in 2019, my family had actually packed me my very own pre-packed hospital bag full of essential items as a shower gift. As a first time mom, I was so touched and grateful that I received this gift for two reasons- that it was coming from an experienced mom who has been there before and two, it was one less thing I had to worry about!

As a mom of two girls, I get it. I have had two wildly different pregnancies and births and it is a thousand things at once; beautiful, chaotic, energizing, and overwhelming all in the same instance.

At Bump Bag, we are on a mission to help take one less thing off of expecting mamas plate. Every mama deserves to be pampered with a bag that has EXACTLY what they need for a comfortable stay in the hospital. We also provide you with a checklist for personal items to throw in the Bump Bag as well (think SNACKS!)

Each item in this bag has been thoughtfully curated by personal experience and feedback from countless mamas getting ready for their little ones arrival.

Deep Breath- We’ve got this.